Лекции SDM 2024

09:00 - 13:00, 26 сеп (четвъртък), 2024
Стая: B

"Eндокорона: старо решение, в съвременна перспектива за възстановяване на ендодонтски лекувани зъби"

Д-р Симона Кирико

The restoration of endodontically treated teeth is still a discussed topic in the dental field today,
because the success and survival over time of the entire treatment and, consequently, of the
dental element will depend on the choice of the type of restoration to be performed. Over the last
few decades, restoration techniques have evolved, thanks to the introduction of adhesive
systems, preferring the choice of partial indirect restorations to the more traditional total ones.
Partial indirect restorations include the endocrown, a monoblock restoration which has the
characteristic of having an anchorage inside the pulp chamber. This allows the clinician to be as
conservative as possible with respect to the residual dental tissue and to give the endodontically
treated tooth resistance and stability over time.

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